Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mumblings of the fatigued

Yoshi's Island was (and is) a great game. I mean, damn - The first mario game where they really try something new (Mario 2 isn't a Mario game!) and they hit the nail, RIGHT on the head - AGAIN. There is only one criticism I can level at it, and that's the pathetic level of difficulty of the bosses vs. the levels... Some of the levels are fiendish - In a good way, it makes you keep coming back, but they're really very challenging... The bosses on the other hand... Man, they're so piss-easy it's laughable! I've no idea what they were doing with those... (They are all cool though :))

Anyway, yes, playing a fair bit of that given that I've bought the game now - 'tis good. I also bought Mario Advance 4 (Mario 3! :D) last weekend, hasn't arrived yet - looking forward to that too :) Having now played Yoshi's Island some more, I'm really not sure which my favourite Mario game is... The top three are most definitely Mario 3, Yoshi's Island and Mario 64, without a doubt... I think Mario 3 might edge it, but I'll have to play it again...

I've been doing so much stuff recently it's almost silly... I've been so occupied - not to say that I haven't got lots of play-time, but man... So much OE work, coding for the group project, work work... I am VERY much looking forward to the easter holidays.... When I'll have to catch up on work I've missed :p

Oooh, thinking of easter, guess who's going to see the original Lockers AND the Electric Boogaloos? Oh yes, 'tis me. That is SO gonna rock, man...

We did an ECS games thing today - 5-8.30 (we meant to stop at 7 :p hehe) of AirBucaneers and UT2k4 :) That was a lot of fun, and I totally OWNED on one deathmatch game (Morpheus, I know the level well :)). As usual, I owned in AirBucaneers, but that really isn't worth mentioning and it's a team game anyway... (but I do totally own at it.)

I'm very tired... Will go to bed in a sec... Just thought I'd update and stuff - haven't really had the time to write a proper update, these are my pure unedited, hazy thoughts. I'm very tired.

What's with all the gayness btw Mark? Am I to be the bastion of manliness for this trio? (well, I was already, but I dunno, is my position to be concreted?) Yeah, what's up with that? Man - what?

(plz ignore grammar and spelling in this post! :D)