Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Work and play

As I may have mentioned (I can't remember if I did or not), I've swapped my shifts from Wednesday night to Monday night. Last night was my first day on a Monday, and I must say, it was rather interesting! The clientele differ completely, and I must say, I rather enjoyed it. Had some interesting conversations, including talking with a guy that sells porn and adult goods for a living :) Spoke quite a while with this girl as well, she was very nice (in a friendly way that is), she said she's a regular, so hopefully might see her again at some point... You really learn to appreciate conversation when you're stuck for 5 hours without it, believe me.

I've been reading Three Men in a Boat at work (well, just started yesterday), and although I initially thought it was boring, it's turning out to be quite funny. That's another thing about being somewhere with little to do, it forces you to follow things through... I've read so much I wouldn't have otherwise, and I've really enjoyed it for the most part - I finished reading Vile Bodies last week, which wasn't fantastic, but still an engaging read, if anything because of the use of language.

My group project is such a huge amount of work, it's kinda wearing me down a little... Still, gonna (hopefully) be doing more popping practise tomorrow, that'll get me motivated... My moves are getting a lot better, but I'm lacking in cohesion and leg-work - I intend to improve this of course. My hat came in the post today :) Need to go and collect it from the post-office at some point, looking forward to trying it on :)

I sent you a text and all, but happy birthday again Mark. I've been relegated to youngest member of the trio for a couple of months :( But yeah, whatever - I still have an excuse for making stupid decisions, what's yours guys? Eh? Hah.

I've been playing a lot of games recently, really getting back into them in a big way... My current favourite is Anachronox (a forgotten RPG that used the Quake 2 engine and came from Ion Storm - very humourous in places) - I've played that for almost 10 hours now, in the space of about a week... Quite a lot. Also, Lyss got me Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, which I look forward to playing through with her (it's primarily a multiplayer game, and each player *REQUIRES* a gba to play :p - the single-player can work with a pad however) - I also intend to complete Paper Mario 2 at some point as well, gotten quite far through that...

Anyway, what's up with you guys? Especially you James, you've not said anything in ages! (other than to comment on our posts that is)