Friday, January 28, 2005


Blog changes:
  • Both of you are now admins! Don't break the site, please.
  • Blog name changed to "The Contemporary Annals [...]".
  • Potentially: I can change the subdomain (I think), from markrian( Suggestions? I didn't wanna change it yet cos then neither of you would be able to get here.
Instead of me commenting to the relevant blogs, I think it'll just be a lot easier to write my own. In fact can I suggest that instead of comments, we just write a new posts? Comments are handled rather cumbersomely, I find, making them a pain to read/reply to. Just try to dump a stack of comments into post so things don't become too messy.

Now James, you say you got up an hour early for a lecture? Duddums. What time was your lecture? Midday? DAMN, you must be exhausted.

Chris, I understood what you said, but I don't see how a script can cause X apps not to run, unless there's more to it than that ;o

As for news on my end, I've received all my exams results back. Maths was by far the best, with a score of 68% (almost a 1st), leaving Materials and Mineral Sciences a distant 2nd at 47%, and Physics just scraping a 3rd (in both senses). Bearing in mind I actually did absolutely no preparatory work, apart from the work I did the previous term, I think I did rather well. I now have shitloads to do before Monday, which is ridiculous, and I want to cry.

More excitingly, I was emailed yesterday by some guy who found my design on He told me he loved the design and will use it when he reworks his site. That's not the exiting bit; I get that all the time. He went on to tell me that the design, my design, was mentioned and referred to in a German computer magazine, describing how to quickly and easily set up a great website!


As for your site Chris, why would you need a new design? And what exactly do you mean by "redesign my website to use [Perl]"?

P.S. I've just noticed that my computer clock is showing extraordinary amounts of drift... about 5mins/day. I knew something wasn't right! Any ideas Chris on how to correct this? NTP daemons don't work behind this (fucking) proxy...

EDIT -- Here's an email from the guy about the magazine!


> Glad you like the design! The icons/images are attached.

Many thanks !

> You say that my design was mentioned in a German computer magazine? I know
> this is a bit vain, but can you tell me the exact name of the magazine and
> the issue number which mentions it? I'd very much appreciate it!

c't magazin für computer technik (German) : Issue number 3 from 24
January 2005

Article : Praxis - Instant-Websites : They are speaking about creating
websites using templates (commercial and free) and they tested some free
WYSIWYG editors with your ChrisLord_dot_net_v45 template.

Best regards and thank you again,

Romain Petges